Jews For Hillary

Jewish Supporters of Hillary Clinton

Susan Stern: The Hillary I Know – Video

Posted by jewsforhillary on October 24, 2008

* sigh *

Posted in Hillary Clinton | 2 Comments »

SCORE – Both Houses Pass Hillary Legistlation to Improve Medical Training for Professionals in Underserved Areas – On to Bush’s Desk…

Posted by jewsforhillary on September 29, 2008

Senator Clinton Hails Congressional Passage of Her Measure to Improve Training for Medical Professionals in Underserved Areas Legislation Now Goes to the President’s Desk to be Signed into Law

Posted in Hillary Clinton | 1 Comment »

Clinton Hails Senate Approval of Relief for Homeowners Facing Soaring Home Heating Oil Prices

Posted by jewsforhillary on September 29, 2008

Urges Action on Her Legislation to Help Middle Class Families

Posted in Hillary Clinton | 2 Comments »

Hillary Clinton Supports ‘Stop Iran Now’ Rally Against Ahmedinejad at the UN

Posted by jewsforhillary on September 23, 2008

September 22, 2008

Clinton Adds Her Voice to Opposition to Iranian President Ahmadinejad’s Visit to New York

Tells Rally Organizers That Iran Must Not Be Permitted Nuclear Weapons 

WASHINGTON, DC – Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton today added her voice to the thousands gathering in New York to oppose Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his regime’s nuclear ambitions and threats against Israel. In a letter to organizers of a rally protesting Ahmadinejad’s visit to New York, Senator Clinton underscored the need to deny Iran nuclear weapons and stand firmly with Israel.

“Israel’s right to exist – and exist in safety and peace – must never be called in to question,” Senator Clinton wrote. “We should not, cannot, must not permit Iran to build or acquire nuclear weapons.”

Senator Clinton has long been a leading critic of Ahmadinejad and his regime. In remarks to the Israel Bonds dinner last week in New York, she outlined the threat posed by Iran to Israel, the wider Middle East, and the United States, and urged clear and unequivocal action to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. Additional statements by Senator Clinton on Israel and the Middle East are available here:

The text of Senator Clinton’s letter to rally organizers follows and is available on PDF here:

September 22, 2008

To Members of the National Coalition to Stop Iran Now along with the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations, Jewish Community Relations Council of New York, United Jewish Communities, UJA-Federation of New York, and Jewish Council for Public Affairs:


As thousands gather in New York today to stand united against the threat posed by Iran, I add my voice to all those speaking out to oppose the Iranian regime’s support for global terror, pursuit of nuclear weapons, and abuse of human rights.  As Iranian President Ahmadinejad travels to New York, once again using the General Assembly of the United Nations as the stage for his hateful propaganda against Israel and the United States, we must be clear and steadfast in our opposition to the message he carries, and the threat a nuclear-armed Iran would pose.

As we know too well, the President of Iran has made a series of incendiary, outrageous comments, questioning the Holocaust and calling for Israel to be wiped off the map.  Israel’s right to exist – and exist in safety and peace – must never be called in to question. To deny the Holocaust places the President of Iran in the company of the most despicable bigots and historical revisionists.  He has also said “The big powers are going down… a world without America and Israel is both possible and feasible.”

President Ahmadinejad’s despicable comments and support for terrorism are even more disturbing in the context of the regime’s quest to acquire nuclear weapons. His anti-American, anti-Israeli rhetoric underscores the seriousness of the threat. Indeed, the International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) recently found that Iran is making significant progress on developing and operating its centrifuges necessary to enrich uranium for nuclear weapons, and that Iran continues to resist efforts to address substantively its alleged nuclear weapons-related work. United States policy in this regard must be clear and unequivocal.  We should not, cannot, must not permit Iran to build or acquire nuclear weapons.  In dealing with this threat, as I have said repeatedly, we must take no option off the table.

We must continue to keep the spotlight on Iran until it ends its anti-American and anti-Semitic policies of hate, ends its nuclear weapons program, and its sponsorship of terrorism. I commend all of those joining today to oppose the Iranian regime’s policies and statements during President Ahmadinejad’s visit.


Hillary Rodham Clinton

United States Senator

Posted in AIPAC, American Jewish Committee, Barack Obama, Democrats, Elie Wiesel, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton Statements, Holocaust denial, Iran, Israel, Jewish Politics, Joe Biden, John McCain, JTA, Malcolm Hoenlein, ZOA | Tagged: , , , , | 2 Comments »

Letter From Senator Hillary Clinton To Participants and Sponsors of STOP IRAN NOW Rally at the UN 9/22/08

Posted by jewsforhillary on September 22, 2008

Posted in Hillary Clinton | 2 Comments »

Clinton Reaffirms Commitment to Israel’s Security and Pledge to Deny Iran’s Pursuit of Nuclear Weapons

Posted by jewsforhillary on September 22, 2008

 September 21, 2008

Clinton Reaffirms Commitment to Israel’s Security and Pledge to Deny Iran’s Pursuit of Nuclear Weapons

“We cannot, we should not, we must not, permit Iran to build or acquire nuclear weapons.”

NEW YORK, NY – Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton called on the United States to continue its commitment to the security and prosperity of Israel in remarks at the Israel Bonds dinner held in New York City on Thursday. Senator Clinton underscored the vital relationship between the United States and Israel and their shared values and shared belief in the right to live without fear or oppression. In addition, Senator Clinton highlighted the importance of doing all that is necessary to thwart the growing threat of Iran’s nuclear ambitions.

“Israel’s commitment to civic engagement, open debate, free expression, the rule of law – even in the face of grave dangers – is something that we Americans not only can, but must support,” Senator Clinton said. “U.S. policy must be clear and unequivocal. We cannot, we should not, we must not, permit Iran to build or acquire nuclear weapons. We must stand with Israel in our words and our deeds to ensure the safety of all those who seek a prosperous life in Israel.”

Excerpts from Senator Clinton’s remarks follow:

Senator Clinton:
“Everyone here knows that Israel Bonds was the brain child of David Ben-Gurion, and what a brilliant idea when you stop to think about it. The idea that people who supported Israel would be able to do so by contributing to the resources that this young state needed. The building of infrastructure, the planting of forests, the assistance that would come to ensure the freedom and the safety and a better life for all who were seeking a new beginning in Israel.

So investing in a productive and growing Israel was important then and is important now. These bonds and your contributions to their purchase are not acts of charity. These truly are part of the foundation of the relationship, the building blocks of a partnership between the American Jewish community and the Jewish State. And it is part also of the bond shared by the United States, its government and our people and the government and people of Israel. Based on our shared interests and rooted in the strength that we derive from shared values. Israel’s commitment to civic engagement, open debate, free expression, the rule of law – even in the face of grave dangers – is something that we Americans not only can, but must support.

So what Prime Minster Ben-Gurion initiated all those years ago is an ongoing project. We need only look at the current challenges facing Israel to recognize that this once again is a moment of peril. There are many dangers and threats in our world today, but certainly ranking near the top of those that concern me is the threat posed by Iran–a threat not only to Israel, but to the entire Middle East and beyond, including the United States. There are many reasons why we should take this threat seriously. Not the least of which is that the Iranian government under its current president hosted a conference whose sole purpose was to deny the Holocaust.

We know that Iran and their leaders have raised serious international concerns with their pursuit of nuclear ambitions. We know they have called for Israel to be wiped off the map, and we know that they support terrorist elements that attack innocence in Israel and beyond.

So U.S. policy must be clear and unequivocal. We cannot, we should not, we must not, permit Iran to build or acquire nuclear weapons. And in dealing with this threat, as I have said repeatedly, we can not take any option off the table. We have to be as flexible and smart and strong in our efforts to deny Iran their nuclear ambitions as we possibly can be. Including engaging Iran in ways that might possibly lead to changes in behavior. But as the Iranian president travels to New York to meet at the United Nations, and once again to use the General Assembly as a launching pad for his attacks on Israel and the United States we must raise our voices together in opposition to the message he carries and the threat Iran poses.

We also know that the dangers posed to Israel have been compounded by the presence and seizure of Gaza by Hamas – and by Hezbollah, the terrorist group now represented in the Lebanese government. I have long said that Hamas must not be recognized until it renounces violence and terror and recognizes Israel’s right to exist. And that includes the security barrier to keep terrorists out that I have long and vigorously supported. I’ve spoke out strongly against the International Court of Justice for questioning Israel’s right to self defense which includes building the security fence.

There is a lot that we have to be concerned about, as you know so well. But the bottom line is that we stand with Israel because we too reject extremism and nihilism and are committed to defeating terrorism, our cause is shared and our cause is just. This is about democracy and freedom, about human rights and about justice.

And I believe that what you are doing tonight, bonding with Israel once again through Israel bonds, makes a very clear statement. In many ways it is an affront to those who would deny Israel’s existence or continue to engage in anti-Israeli rhetoric, anti-Semitism and in any way undermine our shared belief and commitment in the values that we stand for. These shared values and our shared belief in the dignity of men and women – and the right to live without fear or oppression – the opportunity to pursue a safe and prosperous future are really what you are building. You may be able to see the tangible results of the investments that have been made.

I remember so well when I first visited Israel back in 1981 how I could see the results of the incredible generosity, particularly from America, that resulted in the literal building of Israel. But even more important, it is an intangible commitment and recognition of these values that we hold in common. So thank you for standing with Israel in your words and in your deeds. And I pledge to you that I will continue to be your partner and your champion as we stand together. Thank you all very much.”

Posted in 2008, AIPAC, American Jewish Committee, Barack Obama, Democrats, George W. Bush, Hillary, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton Statements, Hillary Supporters, IDF, Iran, Israel, Israeli Security, Jewish Activism, Jews, John McCain, NJDC, OU, Terrorism, ZOA | Leave a Comment »


Posted by jewsforhillary on September 12, 2008




WASHINGTON, DC—On the occasion of National Childhood Cancer Awareness Day, which falls on September 13, 2008, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton released the following statement:


“Commemorating National Childhood Cancer Awareness Day allows us to remember all those children and families who have been affected by cancer. We have made tremendous strides in our efforts to treat cancers in children, but far too many still suffer and lose their lives to this disease. We must do more to increase research into pediatric cancers, and work to improve the quality of life for all children who are dealing with cancer and its aftereffects.   I join millions around the nation in recognizing this day and renewing our commitment to finding a cure for childhood cancer.”


In May, the Senate passed a resolution introduced by Senators Clinton and Allard designating September 13 as National Childhood Cancer Awareness Day. In addition, Senator Clinton introduced the Senate version of the Pediatric, Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Survivorship and Quality of Life Act, which was also introduced in the House of Representatives by Congresswoman Hilda L. Solis (D-CA). This legislation would expand cancer control and surveillance programs, increase research in survivorship, and develop model systems of care and monitoring for pediatric cancer survivors.


Childhood cancer is the number one disease killer and the second overall leading cause of death of children in the United States. More than 10,000 children under the age of 15 in the United States are diagnosed with cancer annually. Successful treatment means that more than 270,000 childhood cancer survivors are alive today.  However, according to the Institute of Medicine, more than two thirds of childhood cancer survivors experience late effects, which include complications, disabilities, or additional occurrence of cancer.

Posted in Cancer, Democrats, Hillary, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton Statements | Tagged: , , , , , | Leave a Comment »

Clinton: Palestinian TV indontrination is Child Abuse

Posted by jewsforhillary on May 19, 2008

Posted in Hillary, Hillary Clinton, Holocaust denial, Israel, Itamar Marcus, Palestinian Media Watch | Tagged: , , | Leave a Comment »

MEMO: Mission Accomplished? Not so fast.

Posted by jewsforhillary on May 19, 2008

MEMO: Mission Accomplished? Not so fast.
To: Interested Parties
From: Howard Wolfson, Communications Director
Date: Monday, May 19, 2008
Re: Mission Accomplished? Not so fast.

Senator Obama’s plan to declare himself the Democratic nominee tomorrow night in Iowa ( is a slap in the face to the millions of voters in the remaining primary states and to Senator Clinton’s 17 million supporters.
There is no scenario under the rules of the Democratic National Committee by which Senator Obama will be able to claim the nomination tomorrow night. He will not have 2210 delegates, the number needed with Florida and Michigan included in the process, nor will he have 2025 delegates, the number needed to secure the nomination without Florida and Michigan.
Premature victory laps and false declarations of victory are unwarranted. Declaring mission accomplished does not make it so.
While Senator Obama inaccurately declares himself the nominee, Senator Clinton will continue to work hard, campaigning for every vote in the upcoming states and making the case that she will be the best nominee to take on John McCain and be our next President.

Posted in 2008, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton | Tagged: , | 2 Comments »

Clinton and Allard Introduce “National Childhood Cancer Awareness Day” Resolution

Posted by jewsforhillary on May 15, 2008

Allard and Clinton Introduce “National Childhood Cancer Awareness Day” Resolution

“We have made tremendous strides in the fight against childhood cancer, but far too many children still suffer and lose their lives to this illness. The more we know as a nation the better able we will be to prevent and treat the disease and help those who are battling and surviving pediatric cancers. National Childhood Cancer Awareness Day is an opportunity to reach out to all Americans with the facts about childhood cancer, and this day will be an important symbol of our commitment on all days to find a cure,” said Senator Clinton.

Allard and Clinton Introduce “National Childhood Cancer Awareness Day” Resolution

Posted in breast cancer, Cancer, Hillary, Hillary Clinton | Tagged: , , , | Leave a Comment »

Hillary says thank you

Posted by jewsforhillary on May 12, 2008

…and you can thank her back!

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Hillary Clinton for President Widget

Posted by jewsforhillary on May 12, 2008

Hillary Clinton for President Widget

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NOT GOOD ENOUGH – JFH Ed Koch Defends Hillary Against Obama Criticism

Posted by jewsforhillary on May 12, 2008

When asked how she would react if Iran waged a nuclear attack on Israel, Senator Clinton replied that she would obliterate Iran. (Indiana senator Evan Bayh Bayh agrees). Former New York City Mayor Ed Koch here defends senator Clinton against crticism by Obama for her response.

Edward I. KochEd Koch Commentary May 10, 2008

Senator Barack Obama won the North Carolina primary by 14 percentage points. Senator Hillary Clinton won the Indiana primary by a narrower margin of two percent. Neither candidate scored a knockout punch, but Obama came out ahead.

Clearly Senator Obama who had the most to lose – it would have been considered a huge loss if Indiana went big for Hillary – also had the most to gain. The race goes on and will go on until a decision is made at the Democratic National Convention in Denver. The fat lady here is Hillary, and she won’t sing. I’m part of her primary campaign until she wins or withdraws. I simply do not trust Senator Obama’s judgment.

Obama’s actions in not standing up to Rev. Jeremiah Wright and protest the minister’s attacks on white America, the United States government and the State of Israel, and his support of Minister Louis Farrakhan, are important matters. No one accuses Obama of adopting any of Rev. Wright’s positions as his own. Indeed, he has denounced them. But his denouncement comes 20 years too late and only after Rev. Wright denounced his heretofore devoted congregant as a hypocrite for conveying his disagreement with his minister, stating at the National Press Club on April 28th, “We both know that, if Senator Obama did not say what he said, he would never get elected. Politicians say what they say and do what they do based on electability, based on sound bites, based on polls, Huffington, whoever’s doing the polls. Preachers say what they say because they’re pastors.”

Yes, it is true that not many people would stand up in a church or synagogue and publicly argue with their minister, but surely, there are some who would argue privately – which was not done here – and even more who would leave a church or synagogue that was led by someone spouting hateful speech.

In any event, we expect more courage from a candidate for president of this great country. We are now engaged in a war against Islamic terrorism and are in need of someone who can be trusted to advocate on behalf of the United States. Senator Obama, regrettably, was silent for too long.

An even more telling incident recently occurred. Hillary Clinton responded to the threats of the president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who has stated, “The annihilation of the Zionist regime will come…Israel must be wiped off the map…And God willing…we shall soon experience a world without the United States and Zionism.”

This week, according to The New York Times, “Ahmadinejad called Israel ‘a stinking corpse’ that was doomed to fail, and warned countries that they would ‘burn in the fire of their people’s hatred’ if they helped Israel, the news agency IRNA reported. ‘Today the reason for Zionist regime’s existence is questioned, and this regime is on its way to annihilation,’ he said in a speech on the 60th anniversary of the Jewish state.”

We know that were Iran, which is on the verge of creating nuclear weapons and already has the capacity to deliver them, ever to launch such missiles at the United States or any NATO ally, it could expect immediate oblivion as the result of the U.S. response. Hillary recently attempted to warn Iran that were it to launch nuclear weapons against Israel, the U.S. “would be able to totally obliterate them.” Hillary’s comments were totally in keeping with the doctrine of Mutually Assured Destruction which kept the Soviet Union at bay during the Cold War when it threatened its European neighbors and members of NATO.

Instead of joining Hillary in a similar warning to Iran, Senator Obama on “Meet The Press” criticized Hillary stating, “It’s language reflective of George Bush…This kind of language is not helpful.”

Hillary’s language is exactly what was warranted. The Soviet Union understood the meaning of mutually assured destruction and consequently refrained from using its nuclear inventory. Lesser language conveying not destruction or obliteration, but simply lesser punishment encourages fanatical countries like Iran to believe they can attack our allies and survive.

Hillary’s statement regarding Iran and Israel was consistent with U.S. policy towards Israel. As Vice President Dick Cheney has said, “America’s commitment to Israel’s security is enduring and unshakable, as is our commitment to Israel’s right to defend itself always against terrorism, rocket attacks and other threats from forces dedicated to Israel’s destruction. The United States will never pressure Israel to take steps that threaten its security.”

We now know just how far Senator Obama is prepared to go to defend our friends and allies. It is not far enough.


Posted in Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Iran, Israel, Israeli Security | Tagged: , , , , | 10 Comments »


Posted by jewsforhillary on May 8, 2008

Statement by Senator Hillary Clinton on the Occasion of Israel’s 60th Anniversary

I offer my heartfelt congratulations to the people of Israel on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the establishment as a state and homeland for the Jewish people, and I join all the friends of Israel who celebrate today with joy and pride.

Emerging after the tragedy of the Holocaust, the Jewish State was reborn after two thousand years, fulfilling the biblical prophecy of a return to Zion. Since then, in just three score years, Israel has welcomed Jewish exiles from Europe, the Arab world, Africa, and the former Soviet Union.

From my first trip to Israel in 1982 to my most recent visit in 2005, I have seen for myself Israel’s achievements – and its challenges. The people of Israel, proud and free and always triumphing in the face of adversity, have built a strong and vibrant democracy, a diverse and rich society, and an innovative and thriving economy.

Yet today, even as we celebrate all that Israel has achieved, we know that the Jewish state is still not safe. In every generation, Israel faces serious challenges to its security and threats to its existence. And just as the United States recognized Israel at birth, and has always stood by Israel when its survival and well-being were challenged, so too do the American people stand by Israel today, united by shared values and strong bonds of friendship.

As President of the United States, I will be proud to continue and strengthen these bonds, so that the State of Israel will continue to grow, from generation to generation, in security and peace.

Am Yisrael Chai! (the people of Israel live!)

Posted in 2008, Hamas, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton Statements, Israel, Jews, jews for hillary, Sderot | 2 Comments »

Hillary Clinton statement for Yom HaShoah – Holocaust Remembrance Day

Posted by jewsforhillary on May 2, 2008

Hillary Clinton Statement on Holocaust Remembrance Day

“This week, we remember the millions of men, women, and children who perished during the Holocaust; and as we do, we ask, ‘What must we do to ensure that this kind of destruction will never happen again?’

“We reflect on the lives that were lost, the courage of those who stood up to the Nazis, like the heroes of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising; and those of all faiths who risked everything to save lives. On this somber day, I am also reminded of the Holocaust survivors that came to this country, and who have greatly enriched our nation with their talent, energy, and dreams. Their stories and their willingness to share them will guarantee that future generations will never forget.

“The lessons of the Holocaust call us to act. As my friend, Elie Wiesel, said, ‘…to remain silent and indifferent is the greatest sin of all…’ Let us today renew our pledge that we will not be indifferent to moral injustice in the world; that we will not remain silent; and that we will speak out against crimes against humanity, threats of extermination, and genocide, such as that now being perpetuated in Darfur. We must act so that we may truly say to the world, ‘Never again.'”

Posted in Elie Wiesel, Hillary, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton Statements, Holocaust, Israel, Jews | Tagged: , , | Leave a Comment »

Senator Clinton Hails Opening of Holocaust Archives

Posted by jewsforhillary on May 2, 2008

Senator Clinton Hails Opening of Holocaust Archives

WASHINGTON, DC Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton today hailed the opening of the Holocaust archives in Bad Arolsen, Germany.  The archives hold an estimated 50 million records that disclose the fate of 17.5 million victims, and for the first time the archives are fully open to the public.

At last, Holocaust survivors and their families may find answers they’ve been seeking for six decades.  The archive’s opening will unearth long-buried information about so many who perished, and learning about their tragic fates is a part of our commitment to never forget.  As we near Holocaust Remembrance Day, I welcome the opening of the archives at Bad Arolsen and hope that its holdings will shed some light on one of the darkest chapters of the last century,” said Senator Clinton.

The Bad Arolsen archives long remained the largest closed World War II-era archives in the world, holding an estimated 50 million records that disclose the fate of some 17.5 million victims. Opening the archives to the public required each of the 11 member countries of the International Commission of the International Tracing Service (ITS) to ratify the May 2006 amendments to the 1955 Bonn Accords. On November 28, 2007, the final country ratified the agreement.

Senator Clinton has long supported allowing unfettered public access to the Holocaust archive.  In May 2007, the Senate passed a resolution introduced by Senator Clinton urging these ITS countries to complete the process and open the archives.  Last December Senator Clinton along with Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL) and Representative Alcee Hastings (D-FL) introduced resolutions praising the ITS countries’ ratification of the of the May 2006 amendments.

Posted in Elie Wiesel, Hillary, Hillary Clinton, Holocaust, Holocaust denial, Holocaust Restitution, Jews | Tagged: , | 1 Comment »

Senator Clinton Condemns Republican Obstruction of Key Breast Cancer Research

Posted by jewsforhillary on April 22, 2008

Senator Clinton Condemns Republican Obstruction of Key Breast Cancer Research
– Urges Passage of Legislation to Spur Life-Saving Research

Washington, DC – Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton today condemned Republican efforts to block debate and passage of the Breast Cancer and Environmental Research Act, of which Senator Clinton is an original co-sponsor. She urged her colleagues to join her in supporting this important legislation.

“This legislation will spur pioneering research into the links between environmental hazards and chronic conditions such as breast cancer. Greater federal investment in breast cancer research could hold the key to prevention or survival for millions of women across our country. This could not be a more critical issue,” Senator Clinton said. “It is outrageous that this vital life-saving effort is being held up by petty procedural politics here in the Senate. I strongly urge my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to come together to support this legislation.”

Breast Cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death for women in the United States. Three million women in the United States are currently living with breast cancer, one million of whom have not yet been diagnosed. On average, over 13,000 new cases of breast cancer are diagnosed each year in New York State, with about 3,000 annual deaths caused by this disease.

The Breast Cancer and Environmental Research Act would establish Breast Cancer and Environmental Research Centers of Excellence in order to conduct collaborative research on environmental factors that are linked to breast cancer. It would also establish a panel of experts, including patient advocates, to develop a comprehensive strategy for research in this area. Senator Clinton welcomed approval of the bill by the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee in February. She previously called for passage of the legislation in 2007 and 2006.

Several New York universities are already engaging in innovative research in this area. In 2006, Senator Clinton visited Cornell University’s Sprecher Institute for Comparative Cancer Research and met with researchers from their program on Breast Cancer and Environmental Risk Factors, who are working to translate this research to help women understand and minimize their environmentally-connected risks.

Senator Clinton has long been active in promoting increased research into links between health and the environment. In 2001, she worked with her colleagues on the Environment and Public Works Committee to hold a field hearing in Long Island on the possible links between the environment and breast cancer. She has also introduced the Coordinated Environmental Health Network Act, which would establish a nationwide tracking network to help identify connections between disease and environment, develop a response system for addressing public health threats, and expand the biomonitoring work of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Posted in breast cancer, Cancer, Environment, Hillary, Hillary Clinton, women | Tagged: , , , | 2 Comments »

Jewess For Hillary File: Natalie Portman Defends Hillary Clinton

Posted by jewsforhillary on March 7, 2008

Natalie Portman and Hillary ClintonNatalie Portman Defends Hillary Clinton
Huffpo: Natalie Portman graces the April cover of Elle magazine to promote her period flick “The Other Boleyn Girl.” Whole interview here.

On Hillary Clinton:

A lot of the stuff people say about her, I hear it and my stomach falls because it’s so sexist. You ask people why they don’t like her and it’s because her husband cheated on her! That was obviously not her choice. She’s so much more polished and experienced than anyone else. Last night, a friend, a social worker in L.A. who works with underprivileged kids, was saying how these girls who have never been interested in politics before are so excited that a woman might be president. I mean, look how many women are in government…Hillary’s one of, what, [a handful of] female senators?

I also like Obama. I even like McCain. I disagree with his war stance–which is a really big deal–but I think he’s a very moral person. I met him and Hillary on the same day, actually, when I went to Washington with Finca [a nonprofit that gives loans to businesswomen in developing countries]. Hillary was by far the smartest person I met that day. Just totally focused, and knew more about the issues than anyone else, and was so able to go from one thing to the other.

Posted in 2008, Elle, Finca International, Hillary, Hillary Clinton, jews for hillary, Natalie Portman | Leave a Comment »

Hillary Issues Statement in response to today’s deadly terror attack at Mercaz HaRav Yeshiva in Jerusalem, Israel

Posted by jewsforhillary on March 6, 2008

Neria Cohen, age 15, killed in Arab shooting attack on Israeli High School LibraryStatement of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton on Terrorist Attack in Jerusalem

Washington, DC – “My thoughts and prayers are with the victims and families who are suffering the loss and horror of this despicable act of terrorism. The United States and the international community must make clear that such deplorable acts of terrorism will not be tolerated and we must continue to stand with Israel in its fight against terror.”

Arab terrorists entered the library in a jewish seminary in Jerusalem and sprayed the place with what some report to have been between five and siz hundred bullets. Eight young students were murdered and over a dozen more injured. [See here and here]

Carnage in shooting attack on Israeli High School Library at Yeshivat Merkaz haravIt seems as though thus far, several hours after the attack, that Senator Clinton is the only one of the three people hoping to become the next US president that has even bothered to or cared to say anything or to take a stand regarding this horrific event.

UPDATE: 116 Photos of the carnage and aftermath | More

Posted in Hamas, Hillary, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton Statements, Israel, Israeli Security, Terrorism | 5 Comments »

Ori Raphael – My Generation’s Short Attention Span

Posted by jewsforhillary on February 28, 2008

My generation’s short attention span By Ori Raphael [Texas Jewish Post]

I recall watching Obama’s stump speech late one Saturday night after he had swept the Potomac primaries. After 30 minutes or so, I was beginning to believe him. I was, to put it simply, inspired. But, as he continued to speak, I understood why I could never vote for this man. I still do not know anything about him.

For the past few months I have been running a political campaign for a state race. I have been able to see and hear more than one presidential candidate along the way. I noticed, after conversing with different demographics, that young Jewish voters were the most out of touch and misinformed.

Why is Paris Hilton famous? She fulfills two main criteria for a movie star: good looks and the media spotlight. Therefore it would make sense to put in her the movies, wouldn’t it? No, not at all.

So why do so many young Jews love Obama? Ask any of his followers and they will give you the same answers. “He is new.” “We need a change.” “Anything but Bush.” “End the war.” Etcetera, etcetera. I am ashamed and frankly worried that so many young Jews are infatuated with this man. Why is Obama the “best” option? Maybe he fulfills the two criteria for a great politician: an amazing ability to speak and the media spotlight. But what is missing, as for the infamous Paris, is why that makes him the best candidate.

Obama began his political grab for the most powerful position on earth in 2004 during the Democratic convention, when he wooed the masses, and the minority vote, to stump for the Democratic Party. I do not think his young followers know that, nor the old. He used that forum to springboard into the Illinois senate seat. Did we hear anything of his time serving as senator? Did Obama author or pass legislation? Did he vote for most bills presented to him? Do most of the young voters who love him know or care? The truth is, he didn’t even have time to make an impact; he was too busy preparing for his presidential bid.

I am not telling people not to vote for him. I am asking young Jews to do the most Jewish of things: Ask questions. I want a president who will finally make a positive difference like anyone else, but I am afraid of what can come of someone who has absolutely no track record. Realizing that the president always has a leather briefcase containing a button to activate nuclear weapons, it is important to know more about whoever holds it.

There are many problems a young Jew should have with Obama. For one, he says he wants to repair our image in the Muslim world. Shouldn’t they be repairing their image? What do the majority of Israel- and America-haters across the Muslim world have in common? They have never met a Jew and want us dead. Yet many young Jewish voters want a president who will appease their interests. We are taught to be competitive, get into good schools and get great jobs, yet why are we ashamed of our country that is just as competitive? Striving to be the best has made our lives in this country great. I do not know why we would be ashamed of it.

If you were a football coach and a kid came out of nowhere and told you to put him in as the quarterback, would you listen? What if it was for the Super Bowl? Chances are no. But it is the same with Obama. He comes out of nowhere and tells us all his ideas and hopes, but there is no true way of knowing what he can or will do. Too many times in history, people — especially young Jews — have gotten onto the bandwagon because it was different and the times needed “a-changing.” The lessons are still felt today. It is a matter of education. I would never make a decision without studying the facts. I know what the other candidates can and will try to do, but I do not know what to expect from Obama. When it comes to the most powerful position on earth, it is sad to say that young Jews are voting for one person because he seems, like Paris Hilton, “hot.”

Too many young Jews are busy watching their TiVo-ed shows or worrying about where they are going out that night. All I ask is that you get informed and get involved. I do not think we all understand the impact of this election. Young and old, make sure to ask questions, because if not, the consequences could be dire. Get informed and vote wisely.

Posted in Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Jews, Youth Vote | 9 Comments »